

Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Loner

Poem on the Loner
I lean against the playground wall,
Watching all the happy children playing,
Leaving them alone,
Doing some boredom-beating tricks
I am a lonely child,
Who does not play with anybody

Thinking about the past,
I used to be like the children
Happy and contented with their lives,
Playing everyday
Now that no one wants to befriend me,
I am the Loner,
Slacking every single day

The children are gossiping about me,
In their familiar clique
I bet that they are talking bad about me,
As they are laughing at me
Tears rolled down my cheeks,
And I started to cry

I am the Loner,
With no friends
Nobody to play with,
Nobody to rely on
How lonely I am,
Hope someone will be my friend

Jia Hui6:14 PM


Thursday, July 16, 2009
What are your impressions of the boy, as well as the children in the poem?

I feel that the boy is very lonely and mysterious. He is very quiet and does not talk to the children. He is also anti-social and only watches the children play in the playground. He does not join them. He keeps all his feeling to himself and does not say them out. I think he was bullied before, thus he fears everybody. “We pass him by and never speaks.” This shows that the children and the boy could not communicate with one another. The reason may be that the children hated the boy and the boy was fearful of the children. Thus, I feel he is a very lonely and anti-social child. I hope he will forget about the past and start afresh.

The children are happy with their friends and always play in the playground together. They are full of energy and are contented with what they have. They reconcile after every arguments. “In slow huddled groups, low talking.’ It shows that the children are gossiping bad about the boy, maybe it is because they are not satisfied with the character of the boy. Instead of gossiping about him, they should go to him and offer him to play with them. Thus, I feel that the children are very clueless about the character of the boy.

Jia Hui6:14 PM


Sunday, July 5, 2009
What have you learnt from this lesson?

I learnt that we should not judge a person by his appearance. For example, the Joker. He looks scary, with skin permanently bleached to chalk white and robs a card company. However, he had a sad past. He robs the card company in order to support his family and his face was disfigured because he jumped into the chemical plant's toxic waste catch-basin vat to excape from Batman and is swept through a pipe leading to outside the card company. When he reached outside, he realised that his face was already bleached to chalk white.

Jia Hui2:48 AM


Do you sympathize with the Joker?

I do not sympathize with the Joker as he is very cruel and cold-hearted. After robbing a bank with his accomplices, he tricks them into killing one another, ultimately killing the last one himself, then he keeps all the money for himself. I also do not sympatize him as he resort to robbing when he could not support his wife and unborned child. Even though he could not support them, he should not rob. Thus, I do not sympathize him. He stuffed an exhaust pipe into the bank’s manager’s mouth and said to him, “You will never win me!”

Jia Hui2:41 AM